Transaction processing on multiple Chains
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Send funds to a SafleID
Safle users can send funds to other safle users without having to know about the recipients public address directly to their SafleID’s. This removes the need to share long alphanumeric public addresses and thus reduces the chances of error.
User selects network and sender wallet
Client calls change network method of vault SDK
: Name of chain from the supported chains
Enters recipients SafleID
Client calls safle-identity-wallet SDK to get public address for the corresponding safleID.
This SDK abstracts the safleID smart contracts to enable a seamless development of client applications. More details here
Client app build a raw transaction with the user’s input
User proceeds to sign transaction. Enters vault pin to proceed
Application calls vault method to sign raw transaction and enters pin
Returns the signed transaction string
- The chain for which the transaction is to be signed.
- The raw transaction object to be signed
- The pin to access the vault's private functions.
Signed transaction broadcasted by Client Application
User selects network and sender wallet
Client calls change network method of vault SDK
: Name of chain from the supported chains
Enters recipients public address
Client app build a raw transaction with the user’s input
User proceeds to sign transaction. Enters vault pin to proceed
Application calls vault method to sign raw transaction and enters pin
Returns the signed transaction string
- The chain for which the transaction is to be signed.
- The raw transaction object to be signed
- The pin to access the vault's private functions.
Signed transaction broadcasted by client application