Auction Functionalities (Auction Contract)

  1. Auction SafleID: This method puts the users SafleID for auction

    auctionSafleId(string calldata _safleId, uint256 _auctionSeconds) validateAuctionData(_safleId, _auctionSeconds) external returns (bool)
  2. Bid for SafleID: This method allows users to bid for a SafleID that is available for auction

    bidForSafleId(string calldata _safleId) external payable returns (bool)
  3. Refund to bidders: This method refunds the funds to all users except the winner. It internally calls the method to transfer SafleID ownership to the winner

    refundOtherBidders() external returns (bool)
  4. Transfer SafleID: This method transfers the ownership of a SafleID to the highest bidder

    transferSafleIdToWinner() internal returns (bool)
  5. Get list of bidders: This method fetches the list of all bidders for an auction

    arrayOfbidders (address _auctioner) external view returns (address payable[] memory)
  6. Get bid rate: This method fetches the bid of a particular bidder for an auction

    getBidRate (address _auctioner, address _bidder) external view returns (uint256)

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